Monday, October 29, 2012

nivelacion cuarto periodo

Name:___________________________________________   Date:____________________

Note: Imprima o copie las actividades, desarrolle el taller,  repase el contenido  y los temas del periodo y presente  la actividad de nivelaci{on a mas tardar el  2 de noviembre.

1.        Escribir en  números
Fifteen thousand seven hundred and one
Thirty nine thousand fourteen
Nine hundred thousand five hundred and  eighty
Twelve thousand  seven hundred and twenty nine
Two  hundred thousand six  hundred and  eleven
2.       Escriba en letras
153 ____________________________________   1.009   ______________________________________                                            19. 800 __________________________ 95.740 __________________________                   
326.218  _________________________________________________

3. Complete el crucigrama con las preposiciones

4.Complete las frases con una preposicion y traduzca las frases  
5.  Realice una historieta  colocando la traduccion del cuento en cada cuadro
Once upon a time there was a boy  who lived in a small city. He had been  studying in a town called Chia but  his mother had worked in a big factoty in the city, so  they both had rented an apartment with two bedrooms, a small kitchen and a bathroom . Everybody in that city had  gone to that place because  of their works and children had spent the most of their time watching TV, or in the internet; the boy was so sad because he  could not  ride his bike in the narrow street , the air was polluted and the place was so dangerous. One day  his mother told him that they had got enough money to buy a house in the town where they were living now  the boy have  studied in  Fonqueta  for five years and he can ride his bike  across the town.

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