Monday, October 28, 2013

Nivelación de Inglés Cuarto periodo sexto grado

Nivelación cuarto periodo

Name_____________________________________________________   Date:________________

Nota: Entregar esta nivelación y sustentarla de manera oral  a más tardar el día 15 de noviembre

1. Realizar una grabación del siguiente texto pronunciando adecuadamente cada palabra  y traducirlo:

Seasons in the Northern Hemisphere

People experience Summer in the Northern Hemisphere when the Earth is on that part of its orbit where the N. Hemisphere is oriented more toward the Sun and therefore the Sun rises higher in the sky and is above the horizon longer, and the rays of the Sun strike the ground more directly. Likewise, in the N. Hemisphere Winter the hemisphere is oriented away from the Sun. The Sun only rises low in the sky, is above the horizon for a shorter period, and the rays of the Sun strike the ground more obliquely.
The primary cause of the seasons is the 23.5 degree of the Earth's rotation axis with respect to the plane of the ecliptic, as illustrated in the adjacent image (Source). This means that as the Earth goes around its orbit the Northern hemisphere is at various times oriented more toward and more away from the Sun, and likewise for the Southern hemisphere, as illustrated in the figure. 
2. Imprimir o dibujar este  aeropuerto  y escribir  10 frases con  palabras relacionadas con el aeropuerto y pronombres posesivos.
Como : Your father was  buying a round ticket
(Tu papá estaba comprando un tiquete de ida y vuelta)

3.Completar las frases con was/ were y el verbo con ing y traducir las frases

I ____ not (study)_____________  this morning at 5:30
My parents _______ ( read) ___________  the newspaper.
3. He ________ (ride) ___________ his bike when  your mother arrived.
4. Lucy and Freddy ______ (dance) __________ in the disco last night.
Their cat _________ ( drink) ____________ milk on the kitchen table.

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