Monday, October 29, 2012

nivelacion cuarto periodo

Name:___________________________________________   Date:____________________

Note: Imprima o copie las actividades, desarrolle el taller,  repase el contenido  y los temas del periodo y presente  la actividad de nivelaci{on a mas tardar el  2 de noviembre.

1.        Escribir en  números
Fifteen thousand seven hundred and one
Thirty nine thousand fourteen
Nine hundred thousand five hundred and  eighty
Twelve thousand  seven hundred and twenty nine
Two  hundred thousand six  hundred and  eleven
2.       Escriba en letras
153 ____________________________________   1.009   ______________________________________                                            19. 800 __________________________ 95.740 __________________________                   
326.218  _________________________________________________

3. Complete el crucigrama con las preposiciones

4.Complete las frases con una preposicion y traduzca las frases  
5.  Realice una historieta  colocando la traduccion del cuento en cada cuadro
Once upon a time there was a boy  who lived in a small city. He had been  studying in a town called Chia but  his mother had worked in a big factoty in the city, so  they both had rented an apartment with two bedrooms, a small kitchen and a bathroom . Everybody in that city had  gone to that place because  of their works and children had spent the most of their time watching TV, or in the internet; the boy was so sad because he  could not  ride his bike in the narrow street , the air was polluted and the place was so dangerous. One day  his mother told him that they had got enough money to buy a house in the town where they were living now  the boy have  studied in  Fonqueta  for five years and he can ride his bike  across the town.

Monday, October 22, 2012

sing a song




Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012


Estas actividades deben realizarse y sustentarlas del  22 al 24 de agosto. La nota obtenida se suma con la definitiva y el resultado de la división es la calificación obtenida durante el tercer periodo.

Student Name:____________________________________  Course:_______
1. Do a cartoon with the next dialogue :
1.       Hacer una historieta con el siguiente diálogo  en un pliego de cartulina
 On the telephone
Tracy: Hello, can I speak to Alex.
Alex: This is Alex, who is speaking?
Tracy: Hi, this is Tracy.
Alex: Hi Tracy. What are you doing?
Tracy: Oh, I'm just watching TV. What are you doing?
Alex: Well, I'm cooking dinner.
Tracy: What are you cooking?
Alex: I'm baking some potatoes, boiling some carrots and grilling a steak.
Tracy: It sounds delicious.
Alex: What are you doing for dinner tonight?
Tracy: Well, I don't have any plans...
Alex: Would you like to come over for dinner?
Tracy: Oh, I'd love to. Thanks.
Alex: Great. Mary and Jack are also coming. They are arriving at seven.
Tracy: OK, I'll be there at seven, too.
Alex: OK, see you then. Bye.
Tracy: Bye.
 Sacado de :

2.       Aprenderse los diálogos de uno de los personajes para la sustentación.
3. Escribir en español los verbos resaltados y realizar una frase con cada ono en pasado continuo usando Was- were
example: My  mother was cooking potatoes yesterday (Mi mama estaba cocinando papas ayer)
4. Complete  las frases con el verbo en gerundio (ing) y escribalas en español
  • He (read) a book at the moment.
  • We (visit) our friends this evening.
  • They on the Brown account this month.
  • I (not/watch)TV, I (work)!
  • What (you do) this evening?
  • Where (she/stay)?

  • 5. Escribir  el nombre de cada objeto de oficina en singular y plural repasar el vocabulario
    Example: Pen  _ Pens   : esfero - esferos

    Nota Actividad escrita:________________
    Nota  Sustentación oral:_____________
    Nota nivelación tercer periodo:___________

    Student Name:__________________________      Teacher Name:____________

    Monday, July 30, 2012

    Sunday, July 8, 2012

    Third Period

    Escribo textos cortos que narran historias y describen personas y lugares que imagino o conozco.  Mi ortografía es aceptable aunque cometo errores en palabras que no uso con frecuencia.

    El lenguaje que domino me permite tratar temas cotidianos o sobre los que tengo conocimiento, pero es normal que cometa algunos errores básicos.

    · Escritura de  mensajes cortos y con diferentes propósitos relacionados con situaciones del entorno.

    ·Completar información personal básica en formatos y documentos sencillos.

    · Utilizar  códigos no verbales como gestos y entonación, entre otros.

    · Realizar y responder a preguntas de  compañeros sobre qué hacer, dónde, cuándo o cómo.

    · Representación oral de dialogo ( Entrevista Laboral)


    <><> <><> <><> <><>

    Redacción de un Curriculum Vitae.

    Evaluación escrita acerca de los contenidos gramaticales.

    Cuento describiendo personajes.

    Dramatización de una entrevista laboral.

    Desarrollo de las actividades propuestas en clase.

    Topics: Objetos, lugares verbos en presente y pasado, wh questions .
    Participación oral

    Sunday, May 20, 2012

    Nivelacion segundo periodo 2012

    Nombre:__________________________________  Curso:_____________    Fecha:____________

    Desarrollar el taller , entregar y sustentar a mas tardar el  30 de Mayo.
    La nota de esta actividad de nivelación se suma con la definitiva del segundo periodo.

    1. Escriba en español
    She is as pretty as her sister_______________________________________________________
    You are more interesting than your brother______________________________________________
    My grand mother is as nice as your mother________________________________________
    I have a dog it is the fattest I have had____________________________________________
    We are as intelligent as you___________________________________________

    Complete las oraciones usando los verbos modales y escribalas en español
    can         could         have to          must     might                  should
    1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He be exhausted after such a long flight. He prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

    2. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you walk downtown and explore the waterfront.

    3. Hiking the trail to the peak be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes. You research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent.

    4. When you have a small child in the house, you leave small objects lying around. Such objects be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

    5. Dave: you hold your breath for more than a minute?
    Nathan: No, I can't.

    6. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It have cost a fortune.

    7. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they die.

    8. I speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I just say a few things in the language.

    9. The book is optional. My professor said we read it if we needed extra credit. But we read it if we don't want to.

    10. Leo: Where is the spatula? It be in this drawer but it's not here.
    Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer. It be in there. That's the only other place it be.

    11. You take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a storm north of here and it rain later on this afternoon.

    12. we pull over at the next rest stop? I really use the bathroom and I don't know if I hold it until we get to Chicago.

    13. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He have left it here last night.

    14. Ned: I borrow your lighter for a minute?
    Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking.

    15. I believe she said that to Megan! She insult her cooking in front of everyone at the party last night. She have just said she was full or had some salad if she didn't like the meal.

    16. Do you chew with your mouth open like that? Geez, it's making me sick watching you eat that piece of pizza.

    17. Mrs. Scarlett's body was found in the lounge just moments ago, and it's still warm! Nobody has left the mansion this evening, so the killer be someone in this room. It be any one of us!!!

    18. Ted: I don't know why Denise starting crying when I mentioned the wedding.
    Pamela: It have been what you said about her brother. Or, perhaps she is just nervous. After all, the big day is tomorrow.

    19. you always say the first thing that pops into your head? you think once in awhile before you speak?

    20. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It be lying around here somewhere. Where it be? be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
     Dibuje cada frase y subraye los adjetivos

    1.I'm in love with  you.

    2.  They were scary  about living in the Amazon rainforest. 


     3.It was very nice of  you to help me with my homework


    4. I'm thirsty  arriving late again.

    5. I'm sick with  the weather f today.

    6. He was very angry with his wife for forgetting his birthday.

    7. He's addicted to nicotine - he smokes a packet of cigarettes a day.

    Firma Estudiante________________________________________Acudiente_________________________________

    Friday, May 4, 2012

      Write the adjectives:

    Tall_ Short                                     pretty- ugly                                   good- bad            sharp- blunt
    New - old                                        young- old                                    long- short           dry- wet
    easy- difficult                                 happy- angry                                 loose- narrow
    big-small                                         clean - dirty                                  fast- slow
    soft- heavy                                      strong- feable                               rich- poor

    ex:     Pretty

    Tuesday, April 24, 2012

    Video sobre el poder de las palabras

    El Poder de las Palabras.. Cuidado con su Uso!! 

    Sunday, April 15, 2012

    Standares segundo periodo

     Responde preguntas usando adecuadamente las estructuras gramaticales en presente. Reconoce el vocabulario visto acerca de miembros de la familia, adjetivos , fechas , conjunciones , wh questions , yes/ no questions.
     Comprende y ejecuta los comandos e instrucciones dadas por el docente para realizar los ejercicios , talleres y tareas asignadas.
     Participa en clase mostrando respeto por los demás miembros de la comunidad educativa.

     Practica las normas de convivencia propuestas para el desarrollo de las clases y hace buen uso de los recursos fisicos.

    Topics: Miembros de la familia, adjetivos , fechas , conjunciones , wh questions , yes/ no questions

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Nivelación Ingles I periodo

    Imprimir y resolver o copiar y resolver las siguientes actividades antes del viernes 17 de marzo la nota obtenida se dividira con las nota que el estudiante tenga durante el bimestre.

    Nivelación de Ingles septimo primer periodo Recibido_______ Calificacion_______________

    Name :______________________________________________ Course:________ Date:________

    Simple Past Tense Quiz

    Escribir los vebos en la linea en pasado y traducir las frases

    I_______________to  the mall after school. go

    My brother ____________ a bear an hour ago. see
    ________________ Mike visit his grandmother last night? do
    Alex did not __________ last weekend. work
    _____________ Judy and Liz at last month's meeting? is
    We _________ not happy after the sad ending. are
    _______ you see Jody's new dog yesterday? are
    Sorry, I ____________ hear you at the door. am not
    I ___________ English for two years. study
    What _____________ you eat for lunch yesterday?do

    2. Escribir cada verbo en español y repasar para evaluación oral

    Base Form

    Past Simple
    was, were
    Ser o estas

    Friday, February 24, 2012



    1. Answer these questions ( responde estas preguntas)
    what do your parents do?

    what does your father do?

    what does your mother do?

    are your grandparents still alive?

    where do they live?

    2. Ir al siguiente enlace coopiar las palabras y aprender a pronunciarlas

    3. Watch and listen to this video

      THE END  I see you in class Bye!
